Also Goten and Trunks aren't Goku and Vegeta so I'm pretty sure nobody involved in Super gives a crap about them. that more experience than their fathers thing sounds right. Goten and Trunks one of the funniest character in Dragon ball meta series however, they became Super Saiyan at a early age where Goku became a super saiyan when he was an adult. Sometimes his naïvety can get him in trouble, but Goten is far from an idiot, as he thinks far more than Trunks does, and he is smarter than Goku in general.

They attack altogether, but cannot take down the Android, even in their Super Saiyan forms. At only Seven years old, Goten is the youngest Super Saiyan in the world. Goten is one of the heroes in Super Mario Bros. Goten was created in the series to replace Goku as the creator wanted to retire Goku from the series. As of the latest Super Chapter, Trunks and Goten are about 15 and 14 years old right now. It is debatable whether or not he and Trunks can use the Full-Power Super Saiyan transformation because they seem to act naturally and have the whitish-yellowish color hair. Goten gains the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan at a very young age, and is the youngest known half-blooded Super Saiyan in the series. It would be incredibly dangerous to have a seven-year-old with the power of a Super Saiyan running around, using the power willy-nilly. Now, this might seem like more of an awesome fact than a dark one, but think of the ramifications. Goten is the second and last child of the main protagonist of the series, Goku and his wife Chi Chi. Trunks was born in Age 766, Goten Age 767, and Marron Age 771 according to Daizenshuu 7, meaning that, as of the current arc of Super (Age 780, given Bra's official birth year), Trunks is 14, Goten … Uub is the same size as them now.

Immediately after destroying the villains, Goten, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta and Majuub team up to try and take down the powerful Super 17. These little guys have a huge advantage on Gohan in potential. No wonder about 3 years from now, Trunks and Goten “get lazy”. He was able to learn MSSJ before he could fly.